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Kentucky Bluegrass

Poa pratensis 'Ginger'
As low as $6.42
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  • Premium Quality
  • Custom Tailored
  • Expert Guidance
Growing Region:
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Germination Rate:





1' - 2'


Alternative Lawn
Wildfire Resistant
Erosion Control


Dark Green Medium Green Light Green

High Water
Native to US:


Life Form:


Product Specifications:

Seeding Rate: 15 lbs. / Acre

Scientific Name: Poa pratensis

With a name like Kentucky Bluegrass, you would think this grass variety originated from the United States. But, Kentucky bluegrass seed comes from Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa, where the climate is cool and sunny.

But it’s no surprise that this seed variety made it over here a century ago because its natural beauty surpasses most other grasses in the region.

Kentucky bluegrass has a rich green to blue-green color, with boat-shaped leaf tips. Its blades are narrow and smooth, growing close together like a thick carpet. This cool-season grass spreads easily and makes for a soft, lush lawn.

Yes, Kentucky Bluegrass (KBG) is a beautiful grass and can be the envy of your neighbors, but its beauty is well-earned. You’ll need to do your part to maintain a healthy and lush KBG lawn year-round.


  • This seed variety is a cool-season grass, meaning it thrives in the country’s northern regions but doesn’t grow well in the south.

    cool-season grass

    1. Kentucky bluegrass prefers to grow in full sun but can handle some shade.


    Tips for Planting and Maintenance

    There is a specific method to follow with Kentucky bluegrass to ensure your grass takes root and lasts a long time. Follow these tips for planting and maintenance for the most success.


    Kentucky bluegrass germinates between 60℉ and 75℉ (air temperature) which means you need to wait for winter to end and spring to warm up. Or, you can plant the seed in early fall.

    Pre-seeding Cleaning

    Before you can plant your grass seed, you need to clean your land. A thorough cleaning ensures your grass grows without obstruction. Remove all rocks and debris that can inhibit growth. After clearing the ground, till and aerate the soil to improve the germination process.

    Planting and Fertilizing

    When you’re ready to plant your KBG seed, prepare to feed it too. After laying your seed, spread fertilizer and water the ground to help the seeds take root. This initial feeding and water are essential for a strong start to the germination process.

    Germination Process

    Kentucky bluegrass germinates on the slower side, taking between 14-30 days. Continue watering the grass regularly throughout the germination process. Once the grass grows to a substantial height of a few inches, you can begin grazing.

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